'Book Addicts' Book Tracker Bookmark


'Book Addicts' Book Tracker Bookmark


The ultimate tool for every book lover to keep tabs on their literary adventures and rate their reads with flair! Simply slip this charming bookmark between the pages of your current read, and let the magic begin.

With a start date and end date to keep track of those bigger reading goals, a dedicated section for the book title and a rating system for a quick look back, say goodbye to losing track of the books you've recently devoured and hello to organised bookish bliss!

Oh, and did we mention it's eco-friendly too? Crafted from high-quality recycled materials, this bookmark is a small step towards greener reading habits – saving both books and the planet, one page at a time!

So, if you're needing a simple way to keep your book tracking in check, and a handy accessory to keep those ear0-marking pages at bay (can you imagine!) grab your ‘Book Addict’ Book Tracker Bookmark now and add a touch of magic to every page you turn.

Product Details:

2 x Bookmark, 2 x 5.75” size

Recycled Uncoated 100gsm

5 Smiley rating system not enough? Check out our Mini Book Review Notepads to slot in the reads when you’re done.

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